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January 17, 2025

Local time is  8:59 PM

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January 18, 2025

GMT time is  1:59 AM

GMT time is  1:59:44 UTC

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Paris Airport

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Arrival in Paris. Getting to vallee d'le marne. - August 24, 2009

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Getting from Paris-DeGaulle Airport to Paris can be accomplished in two ways.

First you can hire the Paris Shuttle for about $18-24 per person.

Second, ride the local commuter train (RER) for about $15 one way. but it is best to buy the Paris Decovutre (Green) Card. It will allow you to ride the RER, Metro, and buses within zones 1-5 for a week. Cost is about $38 dollars and runs from Monday to Saturday. They go on sale on Thursdays' for the following week. Also, you will need a dcoument size photo (available at nearby photo boots - cost $6) for the card.

The photos above are of the info board at Paris-DeGaulle and of the terminal. Not too interesting. The RER ride to the condo took two hours, followed by a 15 minute bus ride. The other pictures are of our condo in Paris and a French girl hanging out the back window.